The real costs of Open Source Sustainability
VM Brasseur
The Antipodes
Brandon Rhodes
Creating Lasting Change
Aurynn Shaw
First-timers Session
You don't always need NumPy
Sam Hames
Teaching Python with tiny, occult pandas
Bruce Fuda
What not to do, and how to do it Jakub Nabaglo
Changing what’s normal: how to transfer concepts between groups
Maia Sauren
Logging Rethought 2: The Actions of Frank Taylor Jr.
Markus Holtermann
Building an interactive training environment using JupyterHub
Graham Dumpleton
The Unspeakable Horror of Discovering You Didn't Write Tests
Melanie Crutchfield
Using Dash by Plotly for Interactive Visualisation of Crime Data
Leo Broska
Goodbye Print Statements, Hello Debugger!
Nina Zakharenko
You might not need gender!
Opal Symes
Environment Variables: how software impacts climate change
Merrin Macleod
Data Sharing in Modern Australia
Justin Warren
Let's Build a Symbolic Analyser And Automatically Find Bugs
Jon Manning
3D Rendering with Python
Andrew Williams
WASM matter?
Russell Keith-Magee
No time to idle about: Profiling import time in Python
Daniel Porteous
The Security Panel Various Speakers
"Git hook[ed]” on images & up your documentation game
Veronica Hanus
Automagically marking Python course work and assessments in seconds!
Dave Bracken
Opening Doors with JSON Web Tokens
Ben Dechrai
cuDF: RAPIDS GPU-Accelerated Dataframe Library
Mark Harris
Using Python, Flask and Docker To Teach Web Pentesting
Zain Afzal and Carey Li
Pony, Cat, and Paw: Getting Started with the Open Source Menagerie
Tobias Kunze
Shipping your first Python package and automating future publishing
Chris Wilcox
Using Python, Django, and ruthlessness to protect people from social media harassment.
Tom Eastman
When software and law are the same thing
Brenda Wallace
How I auto-refactored a huge OSS project to use pytest
Craig de Stigter
Forecasting Australia's 2019 Election with PyMC3
Martin Burgess
A Programmer's Guide to Public Speaking
Donna Zhou
Building a Sustainable Python Package Index
Dustin Ingram
Not a long time ago, in a galaxy not very far away, an astronomer and a computer scientist walk into a bar...
Georgios Bekiaris
Machine Learning and Cyber Security - Detecting malicious URLs in the haystack
Alistair and Veatrissa L.
Building, designing, teaching and training simulation environments for Machine Learning
Paris Buttfield-Addison
Extracting tabular data from PDFs with Camelot & Excalibur
Vinayak Mehta
Devpi for teams
Graham Williamson
Orchestrating complex (not complicated) tasks using AWS serverless and Python
Michael Kelly
It's dark and my lights aren't working (an asyncio success story)
Jim Mussared
Python Applications in Infrastructure Planning and Civil Engineering
Ben Chu
Learn to control your brain: Brain Computer Interfacing with Python
Johan van der Meer
What makes Micro:bits different?
Jack Reichelt
The universe as balls and springs: molecular dynamics in Python
Lily Wang
Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django
Andrew Godwin
Micropython Gotchas
Michał Gałka
Anatomy of a Browser
Erin Zimmer
Fantastic Blocks And Where To Hide Them
Christopher Neugebauer
New Phone, Who Dis?: Human Authentication in the Digital Age
Yaakov Smith
Stealing Chrome cookies without a password
Python Oddities Explained
Trey Hunner
What PHP learned from Python
Adam Harvey
Profiling Pathogens with (micro) Python
Andrew Leech
Threat Modeling the Death Star
Mario Areias
Using Python to make learning Python better
Ben Taylor
Using comedy as an excuse to play with python-programmed microcontrollers
Anthony I. Joseph and Debbie Zukerman
Extending MicroPython: Using C for good!
Matt Trentini
Tracing, Profiling & Debugging in Production (eBPF)
Trent Lloyd
Lessons learned building Python microservices
Richard Jones
Flying by the seat of our pants - our journey of teaching python using drones
Kylie Mathers
Web Accessibility In Django
Parth Shandilya
Rust's Recipes for Code and Community
E. Dunham
Post-mortems: Building better software together.
Thomi Richards
Securing your AWS Identity Management pipeline with PyTest
Sean Johnson
Forklifting Django: Migrating A Complex Django App To Kubernetes
Noah Kantrowitz
Understanding GPUs
Varun Nayyar
Benno Rice
Pretty vector graphics - Playing with SVG in Python
Amanda J Hogan
Sufficiently Advanced Testing
Zac Hatfield-Dodds
How to lose a container in 10 minutes
Sarah Young
Best Practices for Cryptography In Python
Paul Kehrer
Instant-feedback, instant-debugging Python coding
Robert Lechte
Volumetric Performance Capture and Playback: A Workflow with Python
Luke Miller
How to get everyone to get on board with software security: practical tips and suggestions.
Tennessee Leeuwenburg
Concept to Classroom: Creating fun differentiated programming projects
Renee Noble
Safely eval Python syntax using the AST module
Tim Savage
It's Pythons All The Way Down: Python Types & Metaclasses Made Simple
Mark Smith
Tunnel Snakes Rule! Bringing the many worlds of Python together to monitor Melbourne's biggest infrastructure project.
Evan Brumley
Insights into Social Media Data using Entropy Theory
Mars Geldard
Making Acquaintances with Exotic Encodings
Trapsilo Bumi