Saturday August 3 2019, Cockle Bay, 10:30 AEST

Most of us have installed a Python package, but do we know what it takes to make that work in a consistent, reliable way?

Most of us have installed a Python package, but do we know what it takes to make that work in a consistent, reliable way?

Unlike some other languages, Python has a centralized repository for third-party Python packages. Also unlike some other languages, this repository, the Python Package Index, is entirely supported by the community and operated by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.

In this talk, we’ll discuss why we have the PyPI we all know and love, and why the current status quo is preferred. We’ll go a bit into how PyPI works, both from a technical perspective, and from the perspective as an open-source and non-profit project.

Finally, we’ll have a call to action to help improve, and more importantly sustain, this critical piece of Python infrastructure.

This talk is for any Pythonista that has installed a package before (read: everyone).

After watching this talk, attendees should have a better idea of how the infrastructure they depend on works, and why it is so important

Watch 'Building a Sustainable Python Package Index' on PyCon AU's YouTube account

Dustin Ingram

Dustin Ingram

Dustin is a Developer Advocate at Google, focused on supporting the Python community on Google Cloud. He’s also a member of the Python Packaging Authority, maintainer of PyPI, and organizer for the PyTexas conference.