Friday August 2 2019, Education Track, C3.4 & C3.5, 13:29 AEST
Teaching the basics of software development is hard, so it’s best to get them while they’re young. Not just development in Python, but also visual programming languages. The Education Specialist Track brings together both educators and creators of educational tools to discuss ideas to help the next generation of programmers. This track also includes the Student Showcase.
Talks in this track:
- Concept to Classroom: Creating fun differentiated programming projects Renee Noble
- Flying by the seat of our pants - our journey of teaching python using drones Kylie Mathers
- Using Python to make learning Python better Ben Taylor
- What makes Micro:bits different? Jack Reichelt
- Using Python, Flask and Docker To Teach Web Pentesting Zain Afzal and Carey Li
- Automagically marking Python course work and assessments in seconds! Dave Bracken
- 3D Rendering with Python Andrew Williams
The Education Specialist Track cannot be run without the generous support of ICT Educators NSW
Track Organisers
Amanda Hogan

Bruce Fuda