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Thank you for coming to PyCon AU 2019! Our talk recordings are now online
The Conference
Friday, August 2: Specialist track day
PyCon AU kicks off with a day for attendees interested in specialist fields. It runs just like a main conference day, any attendees on this day are welcome to attend talks from any or all of the tracks, you can pick and choose and the talk schedules will line up nicely to let you do that.
With four very different tracks there’s something for everyone and each track will have a mix of beginner friendly and in-depth specialist talks. The four tracks are: Security and Privacy, DjangoCon AU, Education, and Science and Data.
Each track is organised by specialists in their field, the talks are selected from all submissions by the track organisers in coordination with the program committee.
Sat/Sun, August 3-4: Main Conference
This is the core of PyCon AU, as each day kicks off one of our amazing keynote speakers, followed by four tracks of talks on a diverse range of Python related topics. There will be a mix of beginner friendly and advanced talks on both technical and non-technical topics, with four tracks there’ll always be something you’re interested to see. This year we’re adding in deep dive talks to make extra space for some deep and advanced Python goodness.
The end of the day brings everyone together again for a hilarious and informative round of lightning talks (submission of lightning talks topics will be open during the conference).
Mon/Tue, August 5-6: Development Sprints
Python wouldn’t have gotten to where it is without a welcoming community of developers building cool things together. The development sprints are an open space for people to work on projects with a particular focus on open source projects.
The sprints are a place for everyone from experienced open source contributors to interested first-time contributors and anyone really! Maybe you want to hang out and try out an idea you have, maybe you’d like to find collaborators for a project you want to start, maybe you’d like someone to help you through your first attempts at open source. We’ll provide tables, chairs, wifi, power and a community of supportive developers.
Read more about the development sprints
See our detailed menu information.
Please note Childcare registrations have now closed
PyCon AU will be providing onsite childcare at a very discounted rate. This is for all children up to around 12 years old, and covers the schedule from 8:30am to 6pm.
The child care will be held on-site in a dedicated space at the ICC, one level up from the general conference.
We’re offering this service at the heavily discounted rate of $30 per child per day. If that cost is problematic for you let us know and we can work something out.
To register for child care please purchase a child care add-on ticket for each child for each day when you register, and also fill out this child details form for each child.
Childcare registrations will close on the 19th of July in order to ensure we provided enouch professional carers for the number and ages of the children.
All of PyCon AU will be held at the International Convention Centre, in Sydney’s Darling Harbour. We’ll be using the Cockle Bay room for our full-conference presentations, and other rooms on Level 3 for our tracks.
The ICC is large, but we’re at the end near the Hard Rock Cafe, the Sotifel, and Convention light rail station. Here’s the building you’re looking for.
The venue will have digital signage directing attendees to the conference.
Getting to ICC
From Central Station take:
- a light-rail tram to Convention Centre. Upon arrival from Central, the ICC will be on your right.
- a train to Town Hall, then walk ~15 minutes downhill (west on Druitt St), contining towards Cockle Bay/Darling Harbour. A lift/staircase will take you down to the harbour, and we are across the bay
Go to Google Maps - Directions to ICC
Venue Map
There will be signage and ushers on the ground level directing you to the escalators to Level 3. We will be holding the opening and closing day events in the Cockle Bay room, and tracks in the rooms around this area.
Childcare will be in room C4.2, on Level 4, which is accessible via the lifts near the Quiet Room (C3.1).
The Quiet Room in C3.1 is a designated quiet space. Please use this room for quiet activity. We ask you do not have loud conversations, or take phone calls, in this space.
As well as our schedule, the digital signs in front of each room will display the talks to be held in that room.